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Friday, 1 February 2013

That Friday feeling

Now look, I know this isn't the best painting of a dog, it is positively kitsch, but could you have left it behind in the charity shop? 
It has not been the best week so this was a great cheer-up today, as I wended my weary way home from an interview via every charity shop I could find. In truth, I bought two of these pictures, the other is of a labrador. I love dogs but I am not sure if I could have one as I know I would grow ridiculously attached. I am sentimental  enough about my guinea pigs. 

Have a lovely weekend one and all. 


  1. How lovely is that, I would have had to have them too!Hope you have a great weekend Lesley.x

  2. Yes, that dog-face really did make me smile :)

  3. Owwww how sweet, it made me smile too! Have a lovely weekend and good look with the interview, Lucey x

    1. Thanks Lucey. I was actually doing the interview (for the local magazine I work for) so luckily I don't have any anxious waiting to do!

  4. He's so appealing - I would have bought him too and I am a cat person really. Sorry you've had a bad week - hope you can relax over the weekend and do some sewing. I love your new header. Karen xx

    1. Ah, thanks Karen. Yes, I have a nice weekend ahead, so that's good. Hope you enjoy yours, too.

  5. Aw - he is lovely!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger
