A lovely new magazine called LandScape contacted me out of the blue a few months ago, and asked me to write something for them. As I am feeling very much better these days, I leapt at the chance, and my first piece for them is out now. It's all about the conservators at a stately home called Burghley House, which is just down the road from where I live. This was a lovely piece to write.
I love the honesty seed decoration on this cover
Last week, the same magazine asked if I'd like to do another article for them, this time in Cumbria. So, early yesterday morning, I was motoring along the A1 with photographer Richard on the way to Penrith. We arrived by 11am, and stepped out of the car into an enchanted spot.
There were ponies and deer grazing in the fields and the sunshine was dancing on the white frost. I had very little time to take any shots, as I was doing a long interview, but I just managed to capture a few photos. I had not been to the Lake District for about 20 years and I had forgotten just how beautiful it is.
The weather could not have been more spectacular
This is the 'stumpery' in the gardens of the house.Very Hobbit-y, as a friend pointed out.
I can't be too specific about what I was doing as magazines don't like to give away their future articles, but I had such a lovely day, meeting some brilliant people. I got the train home from Penrith, as Richard was driving north for some more work. I had an hour to look around the town as the sun was setting. It's a busy little market town, with some very old fashioned shops, all looking very Christmassy.
The castle is opposite the station, and so atmospheric.
I was shattered by the time I arrived home at 10pm, but I'd enjoyed every minute of the day. It sounds corny, I know, but I do give thanks for my better health every single day that it lasts.
Now, it's time to write up my interview, and then slow right down again. Christmas is calling!